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On the Road to Life...Dangerous Curves Ahead!
From page to stage ~ Dangerous Curves Productions was founded in 2007. Through his acting program, Aaron brings the story of Dangerous Curves to life in schools across the country. He uses this creative approach to teach the true dangers of drinking and driving and highlight their often tragic effects. Aaron will audition, cast and coach the students through this production. They become part of the message, portraying the effects of drinking and driving through their roles in the program. One of their own dies and the rest must live with the consequences of their decisions. The production is set to music, and the dialogue, in their own words, will open the eyes of all who are lucky enough to share this experience.

"Getting teenagers interested in teaching their peers a positive life changing message may sound like the newest plot line for Mission impossible. But Aaron Jackson and his production of "Dangerous Curves" not only accomplished this within one rehearsal but he also made them passionate about it."
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